Dialogue with R: Anti-gay protests in the name of Jesus???
Years ago, a coach came into my life who taught me a whole lot about the game of tennis. He made me a better player and helped me a great deal on the tennis court. Now as an adult, R. as come back in my life not as a tennis coach but as a friend.
Before you read this post, it is very important that I explain my relationship with R because many of you who read this are likely either members of Council Road or at least coming from a Christ-following world view. I can promise you this, R. will bring up some issues that will challenge all of our beliefs. I told R. that I was going to blog about the latest issue he threw out at me and I hope to blog about other issues that we discuss because I really think that those of us in the church don't think about things from the perspective of those who don't follow Christ.
Here is what you need to know about my relationship with R.
1. He is my friend and I accept him as he is.
2. He does not believe what I believe about God and is not planning on embracing my beliefs.
3. He is a person, who most of us who read this site would consider as our Mission Field. R genuinely thinks from the perspective of the un-churched and I believe that perspective is extremely beneficial.
4. Even though R. is un-churched, in our relationship, we have an understanding that he is not my reclamation project and I am not his narrow minded Christian target to destroy.
5. We choose to have a genuine friendship in which he can ask me honest questions from an un-churched perspective and I can ask him honest questions from the Christian perspective. We should all respect him.
Now here is the dialogue:
Hey Chris;
How are you doing. I just came across something that i'll use as evidence on why many people can't stand self righteous grand standing christians and how easily christians will follow the stupidest movments.
here it is
anti-gay protests held by the Rev. Fred Phelps at military funerals.
Phelps believes American deaths in Iraq are divine punishment for a country that he says harbors homosexuals. His protesters carry signs "thanking God" for so-called IEDs — explosives that are a major killer of soldiers in Iraq.
Here is a nut case clothed in religion harassing families at funerals that are trying to just bury their dead sons, daughters, husbands, and wives.
I would expect if it were religious families getting harrassed all churches far and wide would be "up in arms" at this insult but since it is a religious person doing this I expect no backlash towards him from any church organization.
There should be Pastors from all denominations condeming this farce.
Just thought I would share this with you and challenge you and your church to condemn this "protest"
Well on a lighter note I hope you stayed warm last weekend I read it was very chilly in OKC.
Do you thing Superman had a difficult time deciding if his "outfit" would have
blue leotards with RED boots or red leotards with BLUE boots!!
see ya later
Hey R.
How is it going? I am sorry to hear about this guy protesting at military funerals. What stinks is that many people look at a guy like that and assume that is the way followers of Christ act. There is a pastor in Kansas who is doing something similar. He has been sending members to Oklahoma to do that. There was a pastor in Tulsa who was preaching the funeral of a service man killed in his church and he did a great job in the media communicating that their actions are not found anywhere in the Bible. It is interesting that you sent this to me because we had a conversation just yesterday in our staff with an advertising consultant. The crux of the conversation was that many churches and denominations are known more by what they are against rather than known for what they are for. I think that this is very unfortunate and as a leader in my church, I really do want to change that.
I learned something this year on a Mission trip to Guanajuato Mexico this year. In Mexico some have stopped using the word "Cristianos" (Christian) to describe genuine believers. They now use the term "Creyentes" (Believer) to describe authentic Christ followers. The Bible clearly speaks that they will know that we are Christians by our love. I don't see that in people like this. Jesus also clearly tells us that you can look at the fruit on a tree to describe what kind of fruit it is. When I hear about guys like this pastor, it does not match up with the fruit I see in the Bible. People do follow stupid movements, all types and backgrounds have followed all kinds of stupid stuff. I know that you understand this but just because someone attaches Christian beside their name, does not mean that they are representing Christ. Jesus himself said in the sermon on the mount, "Many will come to me and say Lord, we did all this stuff in your name and He will say "Depart from me because I never knew you."
I know that I probably won't be able to influence this Pastor Fred guy but I can tell you, my church won't be doing something like that.
OK, my blog sight that you had a part of.... www.betheballchriswall.blogspot.com Somewhere along the way someone told me to Be the Ball. It was probably you. Be prepared if you read this, I do talk about church stuff on that blog so love and accept me for who I am. If I ever do something Reverend Fred Phelpsish, you better call me on it.
In regard to Superman, If you are man enough to kick someones butt wearing leotards and spandex, you are worth following in my book.
Have a great day bro. It was good to hear from you.
Chris Wall
Well I'll admit your email was encouraging. I agree with you assessment that most religions are known more by what they are against than what they stand for. I am encouraged by your discussions at your church and can see nothing but good things that can come from being open minded. Remember there was no greater rebel in history than the man named Jesus. His teachings were very revolutionary and against the status quo. Hence the danger he presented to the Roman Empire by empowering the radical idea that all peoples were worth something no matter what level they were born to. Wow think of that in today's light, no matter what your clothes or wealth or boyfriend or athletic prowess or skin color or cool name or weight or hair style etc. that we are all worthy or self worth. The Roman Empire based on slave labor was very shook to its core by the thought of empowered slaves, hell the United States went to war over this very thing!!
Altough I don't adhere to organized religion any more I do believe many of its teachings are valid and without it the western world with its democracies would never have evolved. All our equal regardless of sin sounds very similar to our constitution which is based on the Magna Carte among other doctrines.
Take care you rebel rouser, being liberal has a danger all to itself especially in Oklahoma.
Red tight with blue boots or blue tights with red boots!!!??? oh the dilema of being a super hero!!
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in reference too above: I suppose the church and youth ARE in your life. But you know what I meant...right?!
I did not mean to delete your response. I am still trying to figure out the whole maitenance thing on my blog site. I still have not figured out how to put my picture on it. Someday I will tackle that.
Anyway, your comment was appreciated. My relationship with R. is great. I am anticipating on learning a lot from his perspective as well as communicating to him our perspective on specific issues. He as given me permission to blog about any issue that we deal with so I anticipate some interesting discussions in the future.
In regard to the issue on the post, I do believe that sometimes people mis-represent God to others by doing things that are contrary to what scripture teaches and attaching God's name to it. This is frustrating to me because many people take the example of a few and assume that everyone believes that way. I also believe that we should be known by what we are for, not by what we are against. In our church, we are for some really incredible things and many times we are silent about them. We need to do a better job talking about the good things we are doing. Anyway, thanks for reading and responding.
Have a great day.
Don't worry about deleting my response. I'm sure no one would have read it anyway! ;)
In response to "many people take the example of a few and assume that everyone believes that way". I agree, I also believe that many people (not referring to R, just in general) use it as an excuse too. Like "oh, well I was hurt bad by someone who went to church with me..." or stating that we are two faced. I believe it was Pastor Rick once mentioned in a sermon, that many times when someone makes comments like that they are making a specific statement in regards to a general situation. Yes, so maybe one believer hurt you but does this mean that all believers will hurt you? Sometimes (not always) it seems to be an unbelievers easy way out. They feel like it is a simple "end the conversation" answer.
In regards to working with your blog. I love fiddling around with blogs, and computer stuff. I'm an "unofficial" computer nerd. If you ever need help let me know. I designed my blog, and maybe I can explain some of the "HTML" or "code" that is used on blogs.
TO ADD A PICTURE: Login to blogger and go to the blogger "dashboard", where you go to make a post. Click on view blog tab. Then click on "View Profile". When you get to the next screen it should have a button on the left hand side that says "Edit Profile". Scroll down to where it says "Photo Url" and put the url of your photo (or the web address).
GETTING THE URL OF A PICTURE: From your computer decide which photo you want on your profile. The easiest way to explain to you is to "post" your picture as an official post on your blog. (like you did with the picture of your son and yourself). When you are finished "View your blog". When you see the picture you need to "right click" on it and choose properties. The box that comes up should have something that says "Address/URL". Highlight the URL, right click and choose copy. THEN follow the instructions above "to add a picture". You will simply "right click" and choose paste in the URL box.
You can always email me at paulsfamily@cox.net if you have more computer questions.
Sister in Christ-Kristina
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Check this out. I designed it for you, IF you wanted to use it I could show you how. I could design your whole site. Also, I found great pics of other types of balls too. :)
Click here to see picture
In the spirit of the following quote: "Brevity is the soul of wit" I add the following:
"Rev." Fred Phelps is an idiot.
And, "R", it's neat to see that you and many others line up with Jesus' sentiments as it relates to "self-righteous grandstanding" religious people.
I rather guess He'd agree with you, "R", that "Rev." Phelps is "a nut case clothed in religion".
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